Saturday, September 10, 2005


Earthquake Survival Manual

Okay - this isn't about being married to a Japanese spouse, but if you live in Japan it is information you should have. Go to this website: and download your copy today of the Earthquake Survival Manual - it's in PDF format & it's in both English & Japanese.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


A forum for your life with a Japanese spouse.

As a long time foreign spouse (with a Japanese spouse for my “other half”) I would like to hear from others who have a similar background.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a “long time” spouse like me or if you’ve only had a Japanese spouse for a little while.

What are your thoughts on marrying a Japanese – now that you’ve actually been there, done that?  Are you glad you did?  Wish you hadn’t?  Thinking of changing?  Or, anything else you’d like to say on the subject?

Where do you live in Japan and why did you choose to live there?

What about kids – got any?  Here or grown up & living away from Japan?

How’s your language ability?  Or your spouse’s language ability?  Do you each speak the other’s language with no problems, a few problems, or is it more of “What? I can’t understand anything you say.”

What are the joys, or the trials, or the interesting bits about having a non-your nationality (or ethnic group) spouse?  

Speak on up – this is your forum for letting it all hang out.

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